Citation style
Authors of accepted papers must follow this citation style and are invited to use the article template provided.
Notes, quotations, inline references and final references
Notes: please include relevant and useful footnotes only, and avoid comments.
Quotations and blockquotes: quotations longer than two lines should not be inserted in the body of the article, but as stand-alone paragraphs without any quotation marks; the citation should stand out by the use of a smaller font. Prose passages should have justified alignment; poetry and verses should be aligned on the left; both should be indented from the main text. The reference source (of both prose and verse quotes) should follow the last quoted line or verse, in brackets, and followed by an ending period. Both types of citation should be quoted without quotation marks and capitalized when necessary.
Inline text references: include only author surname followed by a comma and year of publication (use letters in case of multiple works by the same author from the same year). References followin quotations or blockquotes should include the page the quotation is from, in the form "..., p. [page number]". Use a semicolon to separate different works in the same inline reference. Some examples:
Nava, 2004, p. 346
Corrente et al., 2008a, pp. 382-384
Bottini, 1980, pp. 69-82; Marchi, 2010a, p. 181
Final references (cited works)
The final reference list should only include works that are actually cited in the article. Including works that do not directly pertain to the subject is deprecated. The list of references should be formatted as follows:
Book by one or two authors: Surname N. (year). Italicized book title. City: publisher.
Antonacci F. (2012). Puer ludens. Antimanuale per poeti, funamboli e guerrieri. Milano: FrancoAngeli.
Bocchi G., Ceruti M. (2004). Educazione e globalizzazione. Milano: Raffaello Cortina.
Essay in a book: Surname N. (year). Title of the essay. In Surname N. (ed. by). Italicized book title. City: publisher.
Manetti E. (2018). Osservazioni grafologiche sulle scritture dei bambini di terza, quarta, quinta classe delle scuole primarie. In C. Angelini, E. Manetti (a cura di). Imparare a scrivere a mano. Roma: Epsylon.
Journal article: Surname N. (year). Article title. Italicized journal title. vol./n., pp. from-to.
Berninger V.W., Mizokawa D., Bragg R. (1991). Theory-based Diagnosis and Remediation of Writing Disabilities. Journal of School Psychology, n. 29, pp. 57-79.