Educating the graphic gesture: the rediscovery of a teaching functional to learn manual writing


  • Valeria Angelini Università di Firenze



didactics of the graphic gesture, graphomotricity, handwriting, motor skills, primary school


The papier aims to present a reflection on the motor, visual-perceptive and spatial skills involved in the learning of manual writing. The structure of the article, taking up international research in the educational and neuro-scientific fields, focuses on the holistic and experiential nature of graphic motility and on the professional skills needed by kindergarten and primary school teachers. To move in a space is to move in a sheet, to coordinate the movements to correctly make a path to make the movements to perform a drawing under dictation or to line up numbers. In this sense we mean the process of skill: knowing to recognize the motor maturation and the slow conquest of the refined movement of writing


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How to Cite

Angelini, V. (2023). Educating the graphic gesture: the rediscovery of a teaching functional to learn manual writing. Graphos. International Journal of Paedagogy and Didactics of Writing, 2, 43–52.


