La escritura como signo educativo: Christine De Pizan, una historia para escribir, para leer, para contar
Christine de Pizan, education, writing, pedagogy, womenAbstract
Writing as an educational sign: Christine De Pizan a story to write, to read, to tell.
AbstractT The renewed interest in Christine de Pizan that has recently become apparent in the critical literature opens up new perspectives for research on a key figure in women's writing in the Middle Ages. This article proposes an analysis of the relationship that the author establishes with writing, taking into account the role that this intellectual work plays in the field of pedagogy. Beyond the mere dimension of gendered writing, a question often addressed by critics who, in fact, downplay the importance of the writer, the text offers a broader perspective, where Pizan appears as an important voice of Humanism and medieval intellectuality. Key Words: Christine de Pizan, education, writing, pedagogy, womanReferences
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Copyright (c) 2022 Valeria Caggiano, Luca Cerullo
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