Inventing and re-writing short writing forms

Techno-aesthetics and teaching of creative writing




short writing forms, rewriting, emotions, creativity, digital creative writing


The digital government of algorithms, with the diffusion of chatbots using deep learning, is modifying the traditional paradigm of production and composition of short narrative texts by rewriting the concept of creativity in terms of computational creativity (Wing, 2006; Veale, Pérez y Pérez, 2020) but the human being is above all historical and creativity remains a constitutive aspect of the human being (Garroni, 2010). The predilection for short texts characterizes communication and writing on the web and we know that the deep attention processes involved can also be associated with extreme speed (Stiegler, 2012; Vignola, 2013). The main hypothesis advanced in this paper is that, with the practice in the classroom of creative rewriting of short forms - such as aphorisms, short films, micro-stories and epigrams (Eco, 2004; Sabatini, 2012; Nesi, 2017), it is possible to train students’ imagination by activating a particular form of catharsis involving the so-called “emotions of intelligence” (Vygotski, 1925; Montani 2020) connected to the recovery and reuse of previous semiotic material, favoring a critical reflection on one’s own experience and on the status and conception of technical and linguistic creativity.


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How to Cite

Coccimiglio, C. (2023). Inventing and re-writing short writing forms: Techno-aesthetics and teaching of creative writing. Graphos. International Journal of Paedagogy and Didactics of Writing, 3, 23–34.


