In the other's shoes

A contribution of handwriting to teacher education




Adult education, Pedagogy of Training, Dysgraphia, SLD, Inclusion


This study aims to suggest a standardized strategy for activating introspective observations and subjective reflections as an effective tool to promote change in the training of adults working in the educational field and school with children and adolescents with Learning Specific Disabilities (LSD), in this specific case with dysgraphia. Using the simulation technique, a high school teacher was asked to participate for a week in a daily session with the task of copying a text with the non-dominant hand. The handwriting produced in each of the sessions was evaluated by three independent judges in terms of fluency and readability and, following the methodology of experimental phenomenology, the experiences of the subject during this practice were collected. The results are discussed with regard to the strong emotional impact aroused by identification, accountable for changing attitudes and for the adoption of inclusive behaviors towards students with dysgraphia.


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How to Cite

Rizzardi, M., Marino, M., & Tognazzi, B. (2023). In the other’s shoes: A contribution of handwriting to teacher education. Graphos. International Journal of Paedagogy and Didactics of Writing, 3, 59–76.



Ongoing research