The encounter between experience, writing and images in the pages of an illustrated book




picture books, teacher training, didactics, narrative pedagogy, relationship between image and text


This article discusses some basic ideas on how the creation of illustrated books can cultivate teacher-oriented narrative knowledge and, at the same time, accompany the development and shaping of educational knowledge. Having explored the most significant aspects of the relationship between image and text and identified the different nuances of visual and verbal artistic stimuli, we can consider the illustrated book as a cultural product and an educational resource to encourage research, reflection and narrative creation on the one hand, and to enhance reading and interpretation skills on the other. To this end, we have proposed the creation of illustrated books by pupils of the Primary Education degree course at the University of Valencia (Spain) in order to subsequently analyse their contents and the different forms of narration of reality observed by the authors of the works. To conclude, we will examine the results, future prospects and limitations of this study.


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How to Cite

Donato, D., & Olano, C. R. (2024). The encounter between experience, writing and images in the pages of an illustrated book. Graphos. International Journal of Paedagogy and Didactics of Writing, 4, 139–150.



Ongoing research