Narrative autobiography in social media: analysing emotional resonances and semiotic structures using AI




narrative autobiography, Floche-square, AI, ChatGpt, analysis


The present study aims to investigate narrative autobiography as a didactic tool for communication and self-expression suitable in a university context. The analysis of the contributions was conducted by proposing an adapted model on Floch's Square, with the advanced use of ChatGpt as a form of support for teachers in understanding the emotional sphere and giving effective feedback.


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How to Cite

di Padova, M., Tinterri, A., Basta, A., De Martino, D., & Dipace, A. (2024). Narrative autobiography in social media: analysing emotional resonances and semiotic structures using AI. Graphos. International Journal of Paedagogy and Didactics of Writing, 4, 107–122.



Ongoing research