Kinesis and graphy: the performance of writing


  • Nicola Lovecchio University of Bergamo



dysgraphia, fine motor skills, performance, kinesthetic skills, posture


Poor handwriting is a manifestation of impaired fine-hand coordination whereby spacing, proportion in size, slope, letter alignment and speed of production are carried out so that the output is not legible. A view of writing as a motor performance, as in sport gestures, allow us to address dysgraphic disorder as a limitation dependent on the ability to use proprioceptive, kinesthetic and vestibular cues. A corollary way of conceptualizing the disorder to act early with specific motor education actions. Training children in prehension, force modulation; fine motor exercises, education in posture and positions assumed by the body can improve the graphic act by reducing tremulous or interrupted outcomes.


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How to Cite

Lovecchio, N. (2024). Kinesis and graphy: the performance of writing. Graphos. International Journal of Paedagogy and Didactics of Writing, 5.


