Multimodal writing and critical-reflective writing in the ePortfolio


  • Concetta La Rocca Roma Tre University



ePortfolio, multimodal writing, critical writing, reflective writing, Table of Events


This work outlines the functions of writing in the ePortfolio, the characteristics of multimodal writing (Moschini, 2013) and the role of critical and reflective writing (Jensen, 2011). Through the analysis of theoretical and empirical studies, the arguments that support and justify these dimensions of writing as a key element in the construction of the ePortfolio are highlighted. Finally, the so-called Table of Events is described (La Rocca, 2015; 2020), a tool developed by the author on the basis of the studies analyzed and considered effective to facilitate the construction of multimodal and critical-reflective writing in the ePortfolio. The first experiences in the construction of ePortfolios started in 2014 and involved the students attending the courses held by the author at the Department of Education of Roma Tre University. Since then, the proposed Table of Events has been used by the students as a starting point to implement the processes of observation, exploration, reflection, elaboration, manipulation, collection and organization of materials that are essential to allow the construction of ePortfolios through the correct use of writing.



How to Cite

La Rocca, C. (2022). Multimodal writing and critical-reflective writing in the ePortfolio. Graphos. International Journal of Paedagogy and Didactics of Writing, 1, 47–63.


