«... As you count you tell me/What you see, what you meet...»
Photographic storytelling as a tool for the education of the pre-reader
pre-school age, photographic picture book, poetry, reading aloud, emergent literacyAbstract
Is it possible to read before reading? Reading even before acquiring the instrumental skills of reading-writing is possible if, as neuroscientific studies on the subject document, boys and girls are exposed from birth to written and illustrated literature. Exposure to a latent family curriculum of reading aloud, joint figure reading, library attendance and workshops-which is one of the two possible modes of approach to reading for the pre-reading child is considered the activity most predictive of the early formation of linguistic, alphabetic and phonological skills (emergent literacy), because it stimulates those cognitive and perceptual processes that prepare the child for the conquest of reading; processes that, conversely, do not manifest themselves if they are not adequately stimulated. The article explores, in particular, the genre of the photo illustrated book
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