Autobiography between handwriting, digital writing, and artificial intelligence

A journey through self-construction




Autobiography, handwriting, digital writing, artificial intelligence, ChatGPT


Handwriting and digital writing represent two distinct modes of processing thought and narration; the former is rooted in a physical and reflective approach, while the latter leverages digital technologies, offering speed and immediacy. This article explores how narration, deeply tied to autobiography, facilitates the construction of the self, with handwriting playing a crucial role in promoting slower and more mindful reflection. It also analyzes how the digital revolution is changing the ways we narrate and construct the self, offering new expressive forms that, however, risk sacrificing the cognitive slowness that enriches personal reflection. The article also addresses the theme of rewriting as a process of revisiting and reworking one's autobiographical account, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a continuous dialogue with one’s identity through writing, reading, and rewriting. Finally, the article explores Artificial Intelligence as a further transformation of technological possibilities, capable of stimulating the process of self-narration, while raising questions about its limitations in replacing the reflective depth of traditional writing.


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How to Cite

Balleri, L. (2025). Autobiography between handwriting, digital writing, and artificial intelligence: A journey through self-construction. Graphos. International Journal of Paedagogy and Didactics of Writing, 6.


