Educational postures in the sign of pausing: 間 Ma
How an ideogram can generate meaning openings for pedagogical reflection
embodiment, relationship, responsibility, awarenessAbstract
Technological changes are profoundly altering the field of education and training and the connection between technology and education could propose unprecedented changes. The contribution intends to bring reflections from the paradigm of embodiment in education, pointing out the irreplicable characteristic of the human: that of a living and breathing being (Casadei, 2023). Corporeality, heartbeat and breath represent the primary expression of being-ness, of life, of the energy that enables it and of the interconnectedness that characterises the dimension in the onlife form. Reflections start from the observation of the ideogram 間, which expresses its corporeal matrix due to the relational nature of its graphic composition and semantic extension, for the recomposition of concepts that are intelligible and expressible according to logics that break the linearity of reasoning and descriptive discourse, to open up to experiences of comprehension of a sensitive, intuitive and imaginative type. Reflection takes place from an experiential perspective of a corporeal and aesthetic nature in which discernment and sensitivity are joined by the unity of mind and body. Writing is a conscious bodily experience, a gesture of exploration and openness a pausing to encounter the silent word bearer of meaning.
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