Lerning to write poems: an impossible challenge?
poetry, didactics, writing, primary school, rhytm, rhythmAbstract
The sector of research taken into consideration in the present study deals with how to teach poetic texts in primary schools, with particular reference to its writing production processes.
In Italian primary schools, although the 2012 National Gudelines state that at the end of the fifth grade pupils are expected to produce creative texts based on given models (nursery rhymes, short stories and poems), the teaching of poetic text is confined mostly to reading and analysing, while written production is neglected; the present study focused on aspects involved in writing a poetic text such as metric and rhythm.
The research aimed at observing the changes that teaching centred on rhythm can foster in fifth-graders on the production level (writing). In the light of the results emerged from this research, it appears that the experimental teaching methodology has fostered writing poetry, and has enhanced the pupils’ attention to poetical rhythm.
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