Spontaneous writing’s method: Maria Montessori’s didactic approach.


  • Gloria Donnini Università di Urbino




Spontaneous writing method, preparatory activities, observation of the writing child, natural development, learning


Maria Montessori’s  didactic approach, towards the learning process of writing, highlights some fundamental aspects: the work of synthesis that the child’s mind performs, the basic role of preparatory activities for learning to write, the observation of the writing subject, through the analysis of the mechanisms that intevene in the writing act. Correlating and synthesizing specific skills (actions finalized at refining tha hand – fastening, threading, buttoning… -, tracing the shape of the letters, holding the writing instrument, matching letters to the corresponding sounds, analyzing word and composing them phonetically) children will be able to writing, through a real “explosive writing’s act”.


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How to Cite

Donnini, G. (2023). Spontaneous writing’s method: Maria Montessori’s didactic approach. Graphos. International Journal of Paedagogy and Didactics of Writing, 2, 53–65. https://doi.org/10.4454/graphos.29


