Humanization of the Machine or Humanized Machine?

Cognitive Questions on Possible Future Scenarios for Handwriting


  • Roberto Travaglini



computationalism, cognitivism, artificial intelligence, human intelligence, creativity


In recent decades, advancements in artificial  intelligence (AI) technologies have raised interesting and alarming questions about the possible interaction between machines and humans. This paper explores the pedagogical conflict between humanizing the machine and a machine being humanized within the context of handwriting, posing questions about how technology might influence this form of human expression in light of the dual and conflicting
computationalist-cognitive paradigm, as well as the contrast between artificial intelligence and potentially  creative minds, between Homo numericus (Cohen, 2023) and Being (or Heideggerian being-there), between graphic spontaneity and graphical artifice, which is increasingly prevalent today.

The advancement of AI-based technologies and the continued evolution of digital writing raise more questions than ever about the nature of human identity, existential authenticity, and creativity. On the one hand, this inevitable technological development leads to new, unavoidable forms of expression; on the other hand, it poses a certain educational, formal, and informal
action before a pedagogical challenge intent on  defining the boundaries between human work,
particularly written work, and machine-generated work, while also contemplating their possible and functional interaction in the future.


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How to Cite

Travaglini, R. (2025). Humanization of the Machine or Humanized Machine? : Cognitive Questions on Possible Future Scenarios for Handwriting. Graphos. International Journal of Paedagogy and Didactics of Writing, 6.


